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We don't understand it either.

While we support the decision of those of you who chose to purchase health insurance, we regret that—as doctors with more than 30 combined years of healthcare experience—we cannot help you figure out what it means. We're equally confused.

To preempt all of your very valid questions, we regret to inform you that we have absolutely no idea what your insurance plan is going to cover. Health insurance is a financial product people purchase that doesn't provide any clear services.

Luckily for our patients who want care they can clearly purchase at transparent prices, we operate as a fee-for-service clinic. You can download our pricing sheet to see our prices anytime you want, but if you want to know how much you're going to be reimbursed for any particular service, we really can't help you figure that out. Nobody can.

Still want to use your insurance?

We just want to make sure you know that health insurance isn't a one-way ticket to affordable care.

You'll have to submit your superbill and if you have a high deductible plan, your co-payment might not differ much from our prices to begin with.

We encourage you to get reimbursed for care you receive, however, we hope our care's quality outweighs the price tag—especially when compared to the comprehensive headache and frustration of getting urgent care at other institutions.

Our regular patients come to us for our extremely convenient, affordable and straightforward—we hope new patients see that value too.