
For Appointments Call 415-864-4444 or BOOK ONLINE


We pride ourselves on taking a holistic and integrative approach to healthcare. As part of that mission, we wanted to link you to some great resources with the potential of making you feel better. Don’t worry—they are safe, positive, and available to all.

For example, experimenting with gratitude is always a safe choice and can lead you to feel immense happiness. Singing and dancing are two of the best outlets for non-linear thinkers or folks with ADD who want an outlet for their energy. If those don't appeal to you, then taking just a few minutes a day to let loose and laugh at funny content will probably boost your mood.

A Daily Gratitude Practice does wonders

Each of us has at least one person to call that impacted our lives in a positive way.


To dance well together, we need relationships that go deeper than ones forged on Tinder or Grindr.

Les Twins remind us of the invisible forces that connect us to one another

"In recognizing the humanity of our fellow beings, we pay ourselves the highest tribute.” —Thurgood Marshall

Emrbace community

Planet Booty reminds us to embrace community because texts, tweets, emails, and missed calls are not replacements for Funk.


Add something you love to something you loathe.

Laugh more

We promise it's contagious.

live a life worth remembering

We're just saying... you probably won't remember the days and nights you stayed home.